How Can Bowen Therapy Help Pregnancy/Fertility?

Many people associate Bowen Therapy with sports injuries and mental health, but did you know that Bowen Therapy can actually be incredibly beneficial to pregnant women and women struggling to conceive.


To many pregnancy is a beautiful time period in their life, but many women also suffer immensely during their pregnancy. Over time the body and well-being can decline, be it morning sickness, tiredness or physical pain.

Gowri Motha. author of ‘The Gentle Birth Method’ is an advocate for Bowen Therapy – she prescribes her many celebrity clients Bowen for physical cases of back pain, nausea, pubic and pelvic pain, mastitis, temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) problems and also emotionally, for mothers who are anxious and tense.

With regard to fertility, Bowen has been known to help with Pelvic tilt. Pelvic tilt is a condition that can cause problems with the positioning of the foetus. Bowen Therapy is a non-invasive, drug-free, holistic therapy that consists of a Bowen practitioner making small rolling movements over muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue at specific focus points on the body. Bowen Therapy encourages the body to recognise the problem itself, rather than “forcing” it to change. This type of gentle procedure can encourage the baby’s head to engage.


Here is a testimonial from a Bowen client who suffered from fertility problems and had experienced a miscarriage: “After 5 years of fertility treatment at Coventry Hospital and 1 miscarriage I decided to give Bowen a go. My body took to it straight away. I became a bit more relaxed and after a few sessions I became pregnant. I carried on with the treatment through my pregnancy. Caroline (Lison) found that my pelvis was out of line which she had to put right a few times. Bowen is an amazing experience and I would recommend it to any lady with fertility problems. Thank you so much Caroline.

If you or somebody you know is pregnant or struggling with their fertility, it might be time to see how  Bowen Therapy can help you. Please visit to find a Bowen therapist near you or call 0844 561 7173.

Can Bowen Therapy Aid Menopause?

menopause-symptomsIn short, the menopause is when menstruation stops permanently. Typically menopausal symptoms occur within women aged between 45 and 55 years of age.

Some common symptoms of menopause include hot flushes, depression, poor libido, digestive issues, loss of memory, weight gain, hair thinning and palpitations.

Many women have come to dread menopause, having heard endless horror stories of just how horrible the symptoms are. But the menopause doesn’t have to be something to fear… Did you know that Bowen Therapy can actually reduce some of the symptoms you can experience during the pre and post stages of menopause.

Bowen Therapy is a holistic form of therapy that is non-invasive and drug-free. Bowen encourages the body to recognise what is wrong and helps it to change, rather than “forcing” it.

World Breastfeeding Week

The Bowen Technique helps the body during menopause to adjust to the rapid changing of hormone levels and provides lymphatic drainage – this is incredibly beneficial as it successfully assists with the removal of toxins. Bowen is also exceptionally good for relieving unpleasant symptoms such as constipation and bloating.

The Bowen practitioner users their thumbs and fingers to make a series of precise, rolling-type movements over the muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue at precise points on the body, using only the amount of pressure appropriate for that individual. Between each set of moves, the body is allowed to rest for a few minutes, to allow it to absorb the information it has received and initiate the healing process.

If you or somebody you know is going through the menopause and would like to try Bowen, find a qualified Bowen practitioner near to you by visiting
 calling 0844 561 7173.

Period Pains – Ouch!


Unfortunately for most sufferers, period pains aren’t always taken that seriously. Men can’t understand and even some women will tell you how they aren’t that bad; but if you suffer, you REALLY suffer.

Periods can leave women doubled over in unbearable pain due to cramping, and that’s alongside the many other side effects of a period such as, bloating, problematic skin, tender breasts and mood swings.

So what exactly causes period pain? Known medically as dysmenorrhoea, Period pain is caused by contractions within the uterus. The blood vessels in the muscle wall of the uterus are compressed by contractions; these contractions cut off blood supply to the womb, causing it to be void of oxygen.

Dysmenorrhoea is the most common form of period pain; affecting 90% of women. There is no specific cause, but studies have show that it tends to be worst during the first few years of your period and can improve with age or after giving birth.

Unfortunately though, there’s no guarantee that the pains will weaken with time, and the severity of period pains will vary with each individual.

For many even a hot water bottle and painkillers can’t soothe their cramps, and that’s where Bowen Therapy can help. The Bowen Technique is a natural, non-invasive and drug-free therapy that can help to aid both the physical and emotional side-effects of periods.

The Bowen Technique consists of a 30-60 minute treatment, during which the body is ‘asked’ to recognise the ailment and make the changes it requires. This is rather than ‘making’ the body change. The treatment is done by a Bowen practitioner making small and rolling movements over muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue as specific focus points on the body. These movements are done with only the amount of pressure the specific individual requires. There is no hard-tissue manipulation or force used. 

One happy client said: ‘My heavy period meant that I was iron deficient and consequently suffered with dizzy spells. With treatment my periods went back to normal, along with my iron levels. I haven’t suffered since the treatment’

If you suffer with menstrual pains and are interested in how Bowen Therapy can help you visit to find a Bowen therapist near you or call 0844 561 7173.

There’s Another Royal Baby on the Way!

First of all, congratulations to Prince William and Kate Middleton on the announcement of their second pregnancy!

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have recently announced that they are expecting their second child next year. The announcement was made from Clarence House on Twitter and of course has been of international interest.

Royal baby tweet

For the second time the royal couple have had to announce their pregnancy early, before the 12 week milestone due to Kate suffering from acute morning sickness, also known as hyperemesis gravidarum.

Pregnancy is a wondrous time for most women however; that doesn’t mean the pregnancy is easy! There are many side effects that mums to be face throughout each stage of the pregnancy.

Morning sickness is one of the most common side effects of early pregnancy. Depending on each individual’s lifestyle habits and family history, the strength of the morning sickness can vary. Kate for example is suffering quite severely from morning sickness, just as she did with Prince George, now 13 months old.


Stress can be a risk factor causing severe morning sickness. Its best to be relaxed as possible throughout your pregnancy to allow your body to make the physical and hormonal changes required to nurture the unborn baby’s development. The physical side effects of pregnancy that most women suffer from are; pelvic pain, back ache, headaches and cramp. Every pregnancy is different, and just like morning sickness, the physical side effects can also vary. 

Bowen Therapy is a complimentary, non invasive, drug free remedy that can assist with reducing the painful, physical side effects of pregnancy and can help to reduce the intensity of morning sickness. The Bowen technique is effective in treating the many side effects of pregnancy as the muscles are relieved of stress from a very deep level and creates a calming effect on the body’s autonomic nervous system.

Sienna Miller's pregnancy pangs could be banished with Bowen

The Bowen Technique is a finger, thumb rolling movement which is applied to muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue at precise points on the body, using only the amount of pressure appropriate for that individual. No hard manipulation is used.

Bowen Therapy is generally enjoyable and is expected to last between 30 – 60 minutes. You may require a number of sessions throughout your pregnancy as your body will be continually adapting and changing to accommodate the unborn baby.

The advantage of having Bowen Therapy whilst pregnant is that it relaxes the body at a deep level. Bowen Therapy is a holistic treatment meaning the whole body is considered. Rather than forcing the body to change, the Bowen Technique asks the body to recognise the applied muscle movements and adapt accordingly. You can be treated in the sitting position or lying on your side, whichever is most comfortable for you.

Sienna Miller's pregnancy pangs could be banished with Bowen

As well as Bowen Therapy being beneficial to you, Bowen is beneficial to your unborn baby. As a result of Bowen Therapy, the whole body relaxes, reducing tension in your body and therefore improving the blood flow to the baby and uterus.

If you’re interested in how Bowen Therapy can assist with your pregnancy, visit the BTPA website here or call 0844 561 7173. To locate a Bowen Therapist near to you, click here.


Strong bones make strong women


How well do you take care of your bone health? Osteoporosis is the condition that makes the bones weak and fragile and more likely to break or fracture. Some of the factors that cause this are ones that cannot be changed. However, promoting a positive lifestyle and treating breakages with care can help to make experience of Osteoporosis better. This is where Bowen comes in to play.

20th October sees the launch of the yearly campaign by the IOF (International Osteoporosis Foundation) to promote awareness of all aspects of Osteoporosis. Pair the pain of Osteoporosis with Bowen therapy to support the campaigns strap line of ‘strong bones make strong women’.


Advice given to sufferers of Osteoporosis is to avoid negative lifestyle habits. Bowen therapy is the small rolling movements with fingers and thumbs to help you to relieve stress. Bowen is a relaxing treatment, rather than forcing the body to change Bowen ‘asks’ the body to recognise and make the changes it requires.

Bowen is also useful for dealing with breakages and fractures. A patient who was suffering with problems due to breaking her neck said that “my neck muscles returned to normal and my rotations steadily improved with each session” and that she was “so impressed with Bowen”.

What better timing to consider Bowen therapy than the celebration of Osteoporosis World day. Bowen therapists are located all across the UK, for more information and to find your nearest therapist click here. For even more information call 0844 561 7173, or send an email to


One for the ladies… Period.

Today is International Women’s Day, so we thought we’d do a blog just for us girls.

We all know the feeling; the bloating, the oily skin, tender breasts, the mood swings and, of course, the infamous cramps… it’s period time.

Period pain, medically known as dysmenorrhoea, is caused by contractions in the uterus. The blood vessels in the muscle wall are compressed by the contractions, which cut off blood supply to the womb, starving it of oxygen and adding to the discomfort.

There are generally two types of dysmenorrhoea; that that is caused by a specific underlying condition such as endometriosis, and the more common primary dysmenorrhoea, which affects nine out of 10 women, which has no specific cause. It is generally worst in the first few years after starting your period, with symptoms tending to improve with age or after childbirth.

However, this isn’t always the case and many women find painkillers can’t mask the unbearable pain.

The Bowen Technique is a natural, drug-free, non-invasive, complementary therapy that can help the physical and emotional side-effects of periods without the side-effects of painkillers.

Rather than ‘making’ the body change, Bowen ‘asks’ the body to recognise the ailment and make the changes it requires.

One client said: “My heavy period meant I was iron deficient and consequently suffered with dizzy spells.

“With Jen’s treatment my periods went back to normal along with my iron levels and I haven’t suffered since the treatment.”

During the 30-60 minute treatment, the Bowen practitioner makes small, rolling movements over muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue at precise points on the body, using only the amount of pressure appropriate for that individual.

No hard-tissue manipulation or force is needed or used.

Between each set of moves, the body is allowed to rest for a few minutes, allowing it to absorb the information it has received and initiate the healing process.

Bowen can help the physical complaints of menstrual cramps; however it is an extremely relaxing experience that can have many emotional and stress-relieving benefits too.

Another client said: I had often heard my friend speak of lovely Bowen sessions but had little understanding of it, until I read it would help with menstrual pain and fertility.

“I was fairly open minded to the treatment and I found that my body was very receptive to Bowen, as after 3 sessions I found that my menstrual pain had significantly reduced.

“During some months I had no pain at all and this has continued during the 2+ years I have been receiving treatment.

“The whole experience has done wonders for my mental well-being and I would not be without my monthly Bowen sessions.”
If you suffer with menstrual pains and are interested in how Bowen Therapy can help you visit the website to find a Bowen therapist near you or call 0844 561 7173.

Sienna Miller’s pregnancy pains could be banished with Bowen

It looks as if Sienna Miller’s bundle of joy was causing her a little pain and discomfort as she was spotted rubbing her blossoming belly on holiday.

The actress was photographed enjoying lunch with her fiancé, Tom Sturridge, on the Italian Riviera.

The 30-year-old style-icon has a few months to go before she becomes a first-time mother and it looks as if her pregnancy symptoms are in full swing.

The by-products of pregnancy can be absolutely unbearable. As the mum-to-be’s posture changes through pregnancy, the spine and pelvis are vulnerable due to the stresses from carrying her unborn child.

Knock-on effects of pain and discomfort are often also felt in the muscles and ligaments which support the spine and the pelvis.

Pregnancy can create problems and exacerbate existing ones. Ensuring that the pelvis is correctly aligned through the pregnancy will not only help to alleviate back pain and sciatica as well as tension in the shoulders and neck, but it will also help to ensure that there is no restricted blood flow to the baby and uterus.

Bowen Therapy is one sure way to improve posture and alleviate some of the side-effects of pregnancy including digestive problems such as constipation, hemorrhoids and acid reflux etc…

Bowen is a drug-free, non-invasive complementary therapy. With primarily fingers and thumbs, the Bowen practitioner makes small, rolling movements over muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue at precise points on the body, using only the amount of pressure appropriate for that individual.

No hard-tissue manipulation or force is used and between each set of moves, the body is allowed to rest for a few minutes, to allow it to absorb the information it has received and initiate the healing process.

Bowen prides itself on being able to trigger the body’s own healing systems. Rather than ‘making’ the body change, Bowen ‘asks’ the body to recognise and make the changes it requires.

The advantage of the Bowen Technique over most other alternative therapies is that pregnant women can be treated in the sitting position or lying on their side.

When receiving a Bowen treatment, it is also common for the mum-to-be to say that she can feel the baby moving about in response.

Many of the problems associated with pregnancy can be treated with the treatment both before and after childbirth.

Victoria’s Secret model Alessandro Ambrosia gave birth to her second child yesterday and Stacey Solomon gave birth to her second son on Saturday.

Alessandro Ambrosia was 3 months pregnant when she walked in the Victoria’s Secret show

If the girls are determined to get their sleek figures back in no time, a Bowen Treatment could help them get ready to start exercise once again.

The long-term hormonal and musculoskeletal changes can last many months after childbirth with often painful symptoms. Both the relaxing and therapeutic effects of the Bowen Technique are particularly useful during this period and can be performed within hours of birth.

Trials in the UK, Australiaand New Zealandusing the Bowen Technique on infertile couples for whom no other obvious reason for being unable to conceive has been found, have met with remarkable success.

If you’re suffering with pregnancy, post-birth or infertility problems and want to try Bowen therapy visit the Bowen websiteor call 0844 561 7173.

Bowen therapy takes away the down side of pregnancy

As many pregnant women will know pregnancy can really take a toll on a lady’s body and well-being; from morning sickness and tiredness to physical pain such as back ache and sciatica. Renowned obstetrician and author of ‘The Gentle Birth Method’ Gowri Motha, believes Bowen Therapy can help many pregnant women. Motha, who boasts Elle Macpherson and Sam Taylor-Wood amongst her celebrity mums, prescribes Bowen for cases of back pain, nausea, pubic and pelvic pain, mastitis, temporo-mandibular joint(TMJ) problems and for mothers who are anxious and tense. She has also found that Bowen can help with pelvic tilt, which often causes problems with the positioning of the foetus, and that there are Bowen procedures that can encourage the baby’s head to engage.

As with many other alternative therapies the success of a treatment mainly depends on visiting a legitimate, well trained practitioner. The Bowen Therapy Professional Association (BTPA), which is the largest UK professional association for qualified Bowen Therapists is an ideal place to find a suitable practitioner. Members of this association are qualified in Anatomy & Physiology and First Aid. They are also fully insured, abide by a strict code of conduct and ethics and are committed to a programme of continuing professional development.

For further information on Bowen Therapy and registered BTPA members in your area visit or call 0844 561 7173

Bowen brings therapy to menopause

Bowen Therapy Professional Association (BTPA) will be exhibiting at the launch of Your Exchange Network on Sunday 25th September 2011, from 2pm at Ramada Encore, Ernest Street/ Holloway Road, Birmingham, B1 1NS. Entry is completely free.
The event will bring together a collaboration of friendly and trustworthy supporters and providers who understand your needs, providing advice and support around all aspects of the menopause.
As well as Bowen practitioners from BTPA, other exhibitors include: Cherish Jewels, Evanji Sugaring, The Pampering Den, Forever Living Products, Dermalogica, Distance Dieters, Wendy Kaye Hooper, Earth Connexions, Think Wills, Scentsy Warmers, Felina Accessories and cupcakes from Two Cousins Bakery!
This event will help you learn about new treatments and therapies, allow you to indulge in some girlie purchases, or simply relax and soak up the ambience as well as enjoy a gorgeous glass of bubbly and some lovely nibbles. 
For a better understanding on how Bowen therapy can help women going through the transition of menopause there is an opportunity to pre-book mini treatments in the INDULGENCE ROOM.
To pre-book a mini-treatment and to RSVP for the event simply contact Jacky Lawrence from Your Exchange Ltd on
e-mail: or telephone: 07595 721715
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