Is back pain holding you back?

According to a recent report carried out by The British Pain Society there are ten million chronic pain sufferers in Britain alone which affect not only their social life but interferes with their working life. Back pain costs the UK billions of pounds in health bills, loss of earnings and lost productivity. However many people in the UK who are unable to work due to back pain are not covered by this or by allowances. Instead these sufferers are reliant on their partner or early retirement.


Following a recent survey British businesses lose an estimated 4.9 million days from employee absence due to work related back pain. The North East suffers than most, with 2 people every hundred having to cope with the condition. As a result, each affected employee takes 19 days of work which in turn puts the business at stake.

GPs tend to refer patients to chiropractors, physiotherapists, acupuncturists and in some cases suggest surgery. In recent studies carried out by the NHS there has been a significant increase in teenagers suffering with back pain. This age group costs the NHS nearly £4billion per year alone working out at an average of £8,000 per teenager. Despite this the number of back pain sufferers is still prominent with treatment showing no guarantee of success. Bowen Therapy is an alternative therapy which has slowly but surely been sweeping the nation over the last 20 years.

The Bowen Technique is a natural, drug-free non-invasive complementary therapy which was invented in Australia and introduced to the UK in the 1990’s. Bowen Therapy has a particularly strong record of success in the treatment of back pain. A national study, carried out by The Bowen Therapy Professional Association (BTPA), showed that 95 per cent of back pain sufferers experienced either complete relief or a marked improvement, after a series of no more than three Bowen treatments.

It prides itself on being able to trigger the body’s own healing systems. Rather than ‘making’ the body change, Bowen ‘asks’ the body to recognise and make the changes it requires. With primarily fingers and thumbs, the Bowen practitioner makes small, rolling movements over muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue at precise points on the body, using only the amount of pressure appropriate for that individual. No hard-tissue manipulation or force is needed or used. Between each set of moves, the body is allowed to rest for a few minutes, to allow it to absorb the information it has received and initiate the healing process.

Bowen is generally pleasant to receive, each session lasting 30 – 60 minutes, depending on the age of the client and the nature of their condition. Many clients become so relaxed they fall asleep during the treatment.

Short-term (acute) injury may be resolved in one to three Bowen treatments, while long-standing (chronic) conditions may require longer. A gap of five to ten days is recommended between Bowen sessions; so that the body can process the subtle information it has been given. Once the healing process is underway, the treatment would have taken the relief off your back meaning you can carry out activities in and outside of the workplace which you had on hold. As well as back pain Bowen Therapy also may help with a host of other health issues such as: frozen shoulders, sports injuries, whiplash, migraine, hay fever, asthma, IBS, fertility matters to name but a few.

Bear Grylls explains “Bowen Therapy has helped keep my body together despite the continual bashing it takes. It’s a vital support in putting right a whole range of new aches and pains, making sure that old injuries don’t cause me problems, and helping me fight stress and fatigue.”


As with many other alternative therapies the success of a treatment mainly depends on visiting a legitimate, well trained practitioner, who is a member of BTPA (The Bowen Therapy Professional Association). BTPA is the largest UK professional association for qualified Bowen Therapists. Members of this association are qualified in Anatomy & Physiology and First Aid. They are also fully insured, abide by a strict code of conduct and ethics and are committed to a programme of continuing professional development.

For further information on Bowen Therapy, registered BTPA members in your area, how to become a BTPA member and/or testimonials visit or call 0844 561 7173



Beat your New Year’s Resolutions

Year in and year out we make lists upon lists upon lists of the many things we’ll either give up, cut down on, or refrain from and every year we’ve crossed out everything we’ve written on the lists in a matter of days. Not this year though, no, 2016 will be your year to grab your New Year’s resolutions by the horns and be sitting here proudly at the end of the year with a big smile on your face knowing you’ve conquered the New Year’s bogeyman.

We all know that the resolutions we make aren’t always the easiest to complete, and that’s why we at the Bowen Therapy Professional Association – BTPA for short – provide you with the very best qualified Bowen Technique therapists to guide you through your journey to completing those lists you’ve been writing for all these years.


A word of warning for Catwoman: your heels are causing Osteoarthritis!

The Bowen Technique is a simple yet effective drug-free, non-invasive remedial technique that is administered by one of our many trained professional therapists. The technique itself applies a finger and thumb rolling movement to your muscle ligaments, tendons and fascia, allowing yourboddy to release stress from a very deep, intimate level therefore encouraging your body to repair, heal, and grow naturally.

No matter what your resolution is, Bowen can work wonders for you. Whether you’re looking to quit that smoking habit you’ve picked up, or cut down on all the stress that’s been sneaking your way, or to simply get yourself into shape for the summer – we all want that summer body, don’t we? – Bowen Therapy can help you through the tough times and stand there smiling with you at the end of the year.

If you’re interested in beating your New Year’s resolutions with the help of Bowen, please visit or call 0844 561 7173.

Period Pains – Ouch!


Unfortunately for most sufferers, period pains aren’t always taken that seriously. Men can’t understand and even some women will tell you how they aren’t that bad; but if you suffer, you REALLY suffer.

Periods can leave women doubled over in unbearable pain due to cramping, and that’s alongside the many other side effects of a period such as, bloating, problematic skin, tender breasts and mood swings.

So what exactly causes period pain? Known medically as dysmenorrhoea, Period pain is caused by contractions within the uterus. The blood vessels in the muscle wall of the uterus are compressed by contractions; these contractions cut off blood supply to the womb, causing it to be void of oxygen.

Dysmenorrhoea is the most common form of period pain; affecting 90% of women. There is no specific cause, but studies have show that it tends to be worst during the first few years of your period and can improve with age or after giving birth.

Unfortunately though, there’s no guarantee that the pains will weaken with time, and the severity of period pains will vary with each individual.

For many even a hot water bottle and painkillers can’t soothe their cramps, and that’s where Bowen Therapy can help. The Bowen Technique is a natural, non-invasive and drug-free therapy that can help to aid both the physical and emotional side-effects of periods.

The Bowen Technique consists of a 30-60 minute treatment, during which the body is ‘asked’ to recognise the ailment and make the changes it requires. This is rather than ‘making’ the body change. The treatment is done by a Bowen practitioner making small and rolling movements over muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue as specific focus points on the body. These movements are done with only the amount of pressure the specific individual requires. There is no hard-tissue manipulation or force used. 

One happy client said: ‘My heavy period meant that I was iron deficient and consequently suffered with dizzy spells. With treatment my periods went back to normal, along with my iron levels. I haven’t suffered since the treatment’

If you suffer with menstrual pains and are interested in how Bowen Therapy can help you visit to find a Bowen therapist near you or call 0844 561 7173.

Do you have good posture?


Good posture is highly important for your body to perform at itself, however what exactly is good posture? There’s likely a clear image in your head.

As we grow older, many of us can lose the natural alignment we are born with. This can be due to how you sit- whether in a stiff backed classroom chair or slumped up all cosy on the sofa.

Bad posture can lead to many levels of pain due to the spine not being aligned correctly; the most common being intense back pain.

Some other side effects of bad posture include:
– Shoulder ache
– Neck creak
– Constipation
– Cuts off circulation
– Depression

It’s a common misconception that once your posture has caused you physical damage and that only surgery can attempt to fix it. But Bowen Therapy can help.


Bowen Therapy seeks to realign the body through the use of their natural, drug-free and non-invasive technique. An average treatment lasts between 30 minutes to an hour and consists of a Bowen practitioner making small, rolling movements over ligaments, soft tissue, tendons and muscles. This is done at precise focal points on the body, using only the amount of pressure that is appropriate for the individual receiving the treatment. Instead of ‘forcing’ the body to change, Bowen ‘asks’ the body to recognise the problem and make the necessary changes itself.

If you or somebody you know suffers with bad posture, see how Bowen can help: or call 0844 561 7173.

Your Gadgets Could be Giving You Textneck!

Ok, so Textneck isn’t a real medical term but scientific research has shown that using hand held devices can be causing long term damage to your muscles, shoulders and spine.

Unlike traditional computers, touch screen users are holding their head downwards and motionless for hours at a time whilst looking at the screen of tablets and mobile phones. This is causing many cases of prolonged static muscle loading which refers to physical exertion of a ligament or muscle which remains in the same position for a long period of time.

Man Texting

According to Ofcom 44% of UK households own a tablet and 93% of the UK’s adult population own a smart phone. These figures show that a huge amount of people will be at risk of suffering from prolonged static muscle loading and experiencing aches and pains in the upper back area. It’s not only the adults who might be causing damage to themselves, young people may also be at risk of spinal injuries due to excessive use of mobile phones and tablets whilst browsing social media.

Obviously there are ways to reduce the amount of pressure you are putting on your body when using a touch screen device; such as repositioning your posture throughout use, or trying a table holder for your device which prevents your neck from straining as much. But what if it’s too late and you’re already suffering from upper back pain?

Bowen Therapy can assist with reducing the pain and tension you are suffering from due to prolonged static muscle loading.  Bowen Therapy is an alternative, holistic remedy which aims to restore your body back to its physiological balance.

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Bowen therapists use a finger thumb rolling movement which can be targeted at specific muscles to relieve the body of deep stress and tension. The movements carried out within the Bowen Therapy session are gentle and put no more than light pressure on the body. Rather than forcing your body to change, Bowen Therapy is asking your body to recognise the treatment and make changes accordingly.

Bowen Therapy sessions last between 30-60 minutes with a break between each session to allow the body to respond  to the therapy. 1-3 sessions is often all it takes to feel an improvement to your health and wellbeing.

To find a Bowen Therapist near you click here. To find out more about the BTPA and Bowen Therapy visit the website here.

Smokers are Three Times More Likely to Suffer Chronic Back Pain

New research studies conducted by Feinberg School of Medicine have shown that smokers are three times more likely to suffer from chronic back pain then non smokers.

The results come from a study of 160 adults with cases of back pain. Throughout the year when the participants undertook the research study, they were required to undergo five MRI brain scans and asked to rate the intensity of their back pain. The participants were then required to fill out a questionnaire based on their smoking status and other relevant health issues.


This recent research backs up a previous study conducted in 2012. US researchers had analysed more than 5,300 patients for 8 months who were receiving treatment for spine disorders. The results showed that individuals who smoke suffered an increased amount of pain compared to those who didn’t smoke. Researchers found that nicotine interacts with proteins that have a central role in controlling anxiety and pain; this results in a change of the way your body processes pain, increasing the level of pain for smokers.

Bowen Therapy is a non invasive, holistic treatment which can help with both giving up smoking and reducing back pain. Bowen Therapy consists of a technique called the Bowen Technique which is a finger thumb rolling movement that is to applied specific points of the body.

One for the ladies... Period.

The advantage of having Bowen Therapy when you are giving up smoking is that it is a holistic treatment, meaning that the whole body is considered and adapts according to the treatment. The movements applied to the muscles encourage the body to release stress from a very deep level, easing the cravings and relieving the stress of giving up smoking. In a similar way Bowen Therapy assists with reducing back pain as the Bowen Technique can target specific muscles and relieve them of deep stress and tension allowing the body to adapt to the changes, resulting in a reduction of the back pain.

Bowen Therapy sessions last between 30-60 minutes and the number of sessions can vary depending on the level of stress you are suffering throughout giving up smoking and the intensity of your back pain. You will find that you will be increasingly relaxed after each Bowen Therapy session; this should mean that the side effects of giving up smoking should reduce over a period of time and your back pain should also decrease whilst receiving Bowen Therapy.


Many people have used Bowen Therapy as a method to assist with giving up smoking. Similarly, many people have used Bowen Therapy as a method to reduce back pain, offering them the opportunity to regain an agile lifestyle.

“I was a very active person which all changed following an injury to my lower back. As a result of having Bowen Therapy I have gone on to do many things I was not able to do before, such as running a half marathon after being told by doctors that I would not be able to run due to my injury.” – Lower back pain sufferer

 “I think that Bowen is a miracle! I was in pain most days and would cry with the pain. After being in constant pain for 5 years, I am now pain free! I can’t recommend Bowen enough, it has changed my life”. – Back pain sufferer

To locate a Bowen Therapist near you click here.

To inquire about other ailments Bowen Therapy can help with click here

To contact the Bowen Therapy Professional Association for more information on Bowen Therapy, click here

or call 0844 561 7173

How Bowen Therapy works

What is the Bowen technique?

The Bowen technique is an alternative; drug free treatment used to relieve pain from a variety of ailments and can be used to treat muscular pain across all areas of the body.

The core technique of the Bowen therapy involves the therapist using their fingers and thumb to create a gentle rolling movement over muscle ligaments, tendons and fascias.

By stimulating the muscles, the Bowen technique encourages the body to restore itself back to its physiological equilibrium, meaning the body will have healed itself naturally as a result of the treatment and the source of pain will be relieved naturally.

Bowen BTPA athletic male image

How Bowen Therapy is received by the client?

The Bowen therapy is generally pleasant to receive, with a session lasting between 30 – 60 minutes depending on the age of the client and the nature of their symptoms.

This treatment requires a break of 5 – 10 days between sessions to allow the muscles to process the subtle changes made within the therapy session and to adapt accordingly.

Short term injuries are usually resolved within 1 – 3 treatments, however, long term injuries may require long.

Bowen BTPA mature gentleman image

Who could benefit from Bowen Therapy?

The gentle finger, thumb rolling technique used by Bowen therapists means that Bowen Therapy is suitable for all ages; from new born babies to the elderly.

Those who suffer from muscular pain such as lower back pain or have suffered from muscle strains, sprains, minor injuries or irritated nerves will benefit from Bowen Therapy as the muscles can be targeted and relieved of deep stress allowing the body to adapt to the changes and heal accordingly.

However, for those individuals with medical conditions that have an array of triggers such as asthma, migraines or even sleep deprivation, Bowen Therapy is an ideal healing treatment. Bowen Therapy is a holistic treatment meaning that the well being of the whole body is considered within treatment. The Bowen technique is effective in treating conditions with a number of sources as the muscles are relieved of stress from a very deep level and creates a calming effect on the body’s autonomic nervous system.

Bowen BTPA child image

More information and therapist details can be found on our website with the find a therapist tool, here:

Twitter: @BowenBTPA


Sochi 2014 Winter Games


Today is the long awaited opening ceremony of the 22nd Winter Olympics opening ceremony in Sochi, Russia. We still remember the Olympic fever of summer 2012 of the London games and we can feel the GB fever resurfacing.

An inspiring Olympic story is of British ice dancer Nick Buckland, who is competing in these games, but suffered from heart problems and had heart surgery just 4 months ago. This is an inspiring but worrying reminder of the frights that come along with the fun of sport. Bowen therapy cannot treat heart problems, but there are a number of sporting injuries that Bowen can help to aid.

The BTPA is the only establishment working independently for both its members and the end clients undergoing Bowen therapy. Bowen therapy can be of assistance for many cases of sporting injuries, by releasing stress at a deep level Bowen sets the scene for the body to heal itself. Treatment is drug-free and non-invasive, administered through gentle rolling movements to stimulate the body to re-align, address imbalances and, as far as possible, restore the body to homeostasis.

Sporting injuries can be caused by a number of factors including accidents, not warming up properly, or pushing yourself too hard, amongst other things. One Bowen patient suffered from a constant ache on his left hamstring following a strain or tear from 15 months prior. He says that after 2 Bowen sessions “I no longer have the constant ache and I feel that, after one more Bowen session, I will have almost full resolution”. If this sounds familiar or if you think that Bowen can be of help to you, visit our website here (link to:


For more information on how Bowen can relieve your sporting injuries and pains and to find the nearest therapist, click here Bowen Therapy (link to: For even more information call 0844 561 7173, or send an email to

Dry January: Just the Beginning of 2014

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Following on from our blog on festive time blues and that groggy feeling, Dry January is the perfect way to combat those New Year blues. Completing Dry January is a great way to start the year and why stop there? Bowen therapy could be the next new experience of your year.

What is Dry January?

A campaign led by national charity Alcohol Concern. The aim of Dry January is to stay off the booze while you ‘lose weight, feel better, save money and make a difference’. The money raised will help Alcohol Concern to increase awareness of the problem of alcohol misuse.

Some benefits of receiving Bowen therapy include more energy and a generally better outlook on life, similar to that of Dry January. By treating the whole body with gentle rolling movements, Bowen therapy helps to realign your body back to homeostasis. Sessions range from 30-60 minutes with problems usually being resolved in 1-3 sessions, while long standing problems may require longer.

Be it muscle problems, insomnia or lethargy, Bowen therapy can help a list of body ailments. One Bowen patient suffering from aches, pains and lack of sleep said “I heartily recommend the Bowen Technique to anyone who wants to remember how it feels to wake up refreshed; looking forward to the new day knowing you can deal with whatever it may bring.” This sounds like a refreshing way to start 2014.

We are now nearing the end of January and according to the Dry January website 17239 people are taking part in the campaign. Well done if you are 1/17239th of that amazing number. Now onto the next venture – Bowen therapy. If Bowen therapy sounds of interest to you visit our website here to find out more about how we can help you

Bowen Logo

Bowen therapists are located all across the UK, for more information and to find the nearest therapist for you click here For even more information call 0844 561 7173, or send an email to

Cancer Talk Week – Let’s get talking about cancer.


This week (20th-27th January) is Cancer Talk Week, which is Macmillan’s annual awareness week. The aim of the week is to get people talking and to help raise awareness of a disease that could affect us all in some shape or form. Where Bowen cannot cure cancer, it can help the body’s system to cope better with the symptoms and the effects of the cancer treatment.

Bowen is the gentle treatment that does not force the body to change; rather it asks the body to recognise and make the changes necessary to bring it back to homoeostasis. Using small, rolling movements over muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue at precise points on the body, Bowen releases stress at a very deep level, which stimulates the body to realign. Bowen therapy can be helpful to those undergoing medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation.

Bowen therapy

One Bowen patient suffering from tiredness and lethargy said that they found their Bowen sessions “a very relaxing and soothing experience”. They said that they had benefited from Bowen as now their energy levels have increased significantly. This patient testimonial shows the improvements Bowen therapy can make to the quality of life. For more testimonials, visit our testimonial webpage here

So, let’s get talking about cancer and see how Bowen therapy can help you. Bowen therapy does not claim to be able to help cure cancer but may help our patients’ quality of life by lessening pain and discomfort.

Bowen Logo

If this sounds of interest to you or you would like to find out more information please visit our website For more information on Bowen therapy call 0844 561 7173, or send an email to We can’t help unless you get in touch, find your nearest Bowen practitioner here